Wat doe je tegen uitgezakte krullen?

What do you do about saggy curls?

If you ended up on this page, you probably recognize it. You've done an extensive routine, followed all the steps and spent a lot of time styling your curls. The result after washing and drying? Perfect curls! But you soon notice that your curls are sagging during the day. That's a shame!

Why are your curls falling out?

This can be due to many different factors. You may have a looser curl pattern, such as waves. When you see all those beautiful images on Instagram, you can get a little jealous. In any case, accept your curls as they are! Fortunately, we have some useful tips to make your curls last longer. We will go through the most important and useful tips with you!

Tips to get rid of saggy curls

Don't use the tips below just once and then write them off. Getting to know your curls is a process, even with sagging hair. A useful tip is to write down which products you use and in what quantity after you have followed a tip. If necessary, also take a photo of your hair, so you can build a handy document in which you can keep track of how your curls respond to certain tips/products and changes. You can do this, for example, in the notes of your phone!

Tip 1: Use a Leave-in or cream

We often see that both a cream and a leave-in conditioner are used within a routine. Limit yourself to one of the two. Both are relatively hard on curls, especially if you have a looser curl pattern. In principle it does not matter which one you use. We always recommend using a shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in or cream from the same brand.

Do you have an activator at home? Then we recommend that you choose either this variant or the cream or leave-in. An activator is actually a kind of mix of a gel and cream in one product.

If you start working with one of these products, divide your hair into two parts. So, for example, make sure you have an underlayer and an upper layer. You can do this very conveniently with sturdy clips. Take a small amount of the product and apply it to your hair (hold the size of a 20 cent per section). Do you feel like this is too little or too much? Then test this again during your next wash!

Tip 2: Experiment with the amount of styling product

You can be very economical with a leave-in or cream. Think of the amount of a euro coin or even 20 euro cents. Start with small amounts and brush your hair once you have applied one of the two to your hair.

Contrary to the above, you do not have to hold back with the gel. You may use generous amounts, i.e. a large dollop. Experiment with this too and see how your hair reacts.

Tip 3: Use a 2nd (hard hold) gel and possibly combine it with a mousse or third gel

If you're a CG beginner, it's fine to take it easy and start with one type of gel. But, do you feel like your curls are falling out? Then we recommend that you opt for a 2nd gel.

Also check the current gel you have at home. Do you feel that this does not do enough for your hair? Then a stronger gel can work wonders, especially if you use them together. We have a handy collection with the strongest gels from our collection!

Gels are available in different types of hold levels. One gel will therefore give you a stronger hold than the other. This mainly depends on the amount of hold agents contained in the gel and in what quantity they are used for the relevant formula. We advise you to choose a low or medium hold gel that you combine with a strong hold gel. Start with the strong gel and end with the medium or low hold gel. You can do this in several stages:

  • You first use the strong gel and then the second gel that you may already have at home. Once you have finished styling, you can possibly iron a third gel over your hair and then scrunch it into your hair.

  • You can also opt for a mousse instead of a third gel. A mousse gives some extra volume, especially at your roots. Also smooth the mousse over the lengths of your hair: a light styler that certainly contributes to a strong hold.

Tip 4: Use light products

Brands like Shea Moisture, or other brands with a lot of butters and oils, can be quite heavy on your hair, especially for women with a looser curl pattern, finer hair, and waves.

Have you looked at your current hair products yet? You may see words like "butters" and "oil" on the ingredients list. If so, these products may be too heavy for your hair, leading to frizzy curls.

If you suffer from sagging hair, we recommend opting for lighter products. These products contain no oils or butters at all, or they contain these ingredients in very low amounts. At least you won't find them in the first half of the ingredients list.

To make your search for suitable products a little easier, we have put together a special collection with the lightest products from our range. Take a quick look!

Tip 5: Use the mousse-gel-mousse method

There are many different combinations for applying stylers. One of them is the mousse-gel-mousse method. This method can give your hair extra strength. How this works? You can read that in this blog with an extensive video!

Tip 6: Have layers cut in your hair

Cutting layers can sometimes really do wonders for your hair! Do you really want to keep track? Then go to the hairdresser every 8-13 weeks! Would you like to know where curly hairdressers are located? View the complete list of Dutch curly hairdressers.

Tip 7: You may be experiencing product build-up

In other terms we also call this build-up. This can be caused by the fact that not all product residues and dirt are properly washed away by your shampoo and therefore accumulate on your hair.

Tip 8: Use a hair spray

A hairspray can give your hair some extra hold after you've completed your entire routine. It makes your hair slightly stiffer, giving you extra volume and hold. There are few CG proof sprays, but we have added the two best ones to our range for you!

Use it when your hair is 80% dry or when your hair is 100% dry!

This is a popular hair spray:

Curly Secret Volume Boost Hair Spray

Tip 9: Protect your curls while sleeping

Do you still sleep on a cotton pillowcase? Then your curls can disappear due to the friction between the fabric and your hair. The solution? Sleep on a satin pillowcase. You can read more tips to maintain your curls while sleeping in the blog.

Tip 10: Stay away from your curls!

Try to avoid touching and picking your hair as much as possible, as this can lead to sagging and loss of definition.

In short, lots of tips that can help you prevent your curls from lasting longer! Do you have any questions regarding this blog? Please let us know via the contact form!

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